Wim De Winter
Interdisciplinary PhD Researcher (Gerda Henkel Stiftung - Düsseldorf)
at Ghent University - History Department
E: wimh.dewinter@ugent.be
Member of the 'Indian Ocean World Centre', Team 3 (McGill)
- critical world history & 'connected histories'
- cross-cultural interaction and knowledge transfer
- cultural histories of South and East Asia
- methodologies of historical anthropology
Trade communities, cultural interaction and foreign exchanges in Canton, Bengal and Nagasaki, 'A comparative approach against the background of China's foreign policy during the Ming-Qing period (18th century)'.
Supervisors - DBC: Michael Limberger, Angela Schottenhammer, Christian Uhl
This PhD.-research is a comparative historical anthropology of cross-cultural interaction and local exchange-relations in late 18th-century China (Guangzhou), Japan (Dejima) and India (Bengal & Ganges-delta region).
In this research, cross-cultural interaction is considered as a specific process consisting of improvised encounters and practical exchanges as performative elements of connected histories. It investigates the cultural dimension and re-contextualisation of such exchanges involving European maritime traders (mostly from an Ostend Company and VOC- background) and Muslim trading networks, through a 'connected comparison' of above-mentioned localities, placed in the wider framework of an Indian Ocean World. Finally, this research also attempts to include a critical theoretical perspective on early-modern 'world history'.
The PhD.-research is part of a larger international & interdisciplinary research project on Chinese global maritime history called "Seafaring, Trade and Knowledge Transfer: Maritme Politics and Commerce in Early Middle Period to Early Modern China" (funded by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung and supervised by Prof. Dr. Angela Schottenhammer of Salzburg University).
'Gift-Exchange as a Means of 'Handling Diversity': Japanese-European Interactions in the Seventeenth Century', In:
Handling Diversity. Comparative Perspectives on Medieval and Early-Modern India and Europe. Theme Issue, The Medieval History Journal vol. 16.2, 2013, London/Los Angeles/New Delhi: Sage Publications. (in press).
'A Reflection on Cultural Interaction Through European-Chinese Relations in Seventeenth-Century Hirado: Gift-giving in a Context of Blurred Borders between Social Relations, Trade and Smuggling', In: Crossroads: Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian World, Großheirath: Ostasien Verlag, 2013, Vol. 7., pp. 95-120.
Book Chapters
'Dining with the Daimyo. Global interactions and Intercultural Crossroads in 17th Century Japan (Hirado).'
In: Schottenhammer A. (ed.), Crossroads Conference Volume 1, 2014. (working title - forthcoming).
with Parmentier J., 'Factorijen en Forten. Zuid-Nederlanders in achttiende-eeuws India'. In: Goddeeris I. (ed.), Het wiel van Ashoka : Belgisch-Indiase contacten in historisch perpectief, Leuven: Lipsius, 2013, pp. 35-50.