Visiting Research Fellow Fernand Braudel Center for the Study of Economies, Historical Systems and Civilizations, State University of New York at Binghamton, U.S.A. 1991 (Fullbright Grantee)
Research Fellow Universiteit van Utrecht, Vakgroep Geschiedenis, Nederland. Project Uitwisseling van Onderzoekers 'Familiale arbeids- en inkomensstrategieën en de herstructurering van de arbeidsmarkt in de 19de en de 20ste eeuw. Uitwerking van een comparatief onderzoeksmodel'. 1996-1997 (VNC- project)
Fellow-in-Residence NIAS - Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Nederland, project 'An economic and social history of the last European subsistence crisis, 1845-1850. A Flemish and a comparative perspective'. 2004-2005
Universitätsprofessor für Globalgeschichte der frühen Neuzeit, Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Vienna University (Austria), Fall Semester 2011-2012.
Visiting Professor Global History, Institute for Social Economy and Culture, Peking University, 2010-2013
World history, global studies and world-systems analysis
History of labour markets and labour strategies of families
Historical statistics; historical information systems
Recent and Running Research Projects
2013-2016, FWO, Joris Mercelis post-doctoral research fellowship, Photography and the public domain: managing knowledge and intellectual property, 1871-2003
2013-2017, UGent BOF project, PhD student Sven Van Melkebeke, Changing grounds. ‘Free’ and ‘unfree’ coffee-growing labour in the Kivu region, Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, 1920-1960.
2012-2013, UGent BOF, Joint PhD project Yu Xiao (co-supervisor with prof. Bai, Peking University), The impact of land system on the urban-rural gap in Chin, 1949-2009. An economic-historical reconstruction (Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang)
2011-2014, FWO, Torsten Feys post-doctoral research fellowship, The globalisation of modern border systems and clandestine maritime migration networks, a comparative research between Atlantic and Pacific migration systems (1882-1938)
2010-2013, EU Firenze (co- supervisor with H. Haupt, EU Firenze), PhD project Robrecht Declercq, Saxon fur traders and craftsmen, an occupational community on the move. A transnational perspective on immigrant entrepreneurship (1880-1950)
2009-2012, UGent BOF (co- supervisor with Ann Heirman), PhD project Julia Schneider, The spread of the sinicization concept in Chinese historiography and political thinking of late Imperial and Republican China (1890s–1949), UGent
2009-2013, FWO (PhD students H. Cottyn and Y. Wang), The end of peasant societies in an historical and comparative perspective. A comparative research project into the changing peasant societies in Europe (Western Europe), Asia (East China) and Latin America (Brazil)
2006-2009, UGent BOF (co-supervisor B. Lecocq), PhD project Petra Vervust, The Limits of Colonial Symbolic Power. Ethnicization and Racialization on Rwanda 1890-1960, UGent
2005-2008, UGent BOF, PhD project S. Hoste, The battle of the migrants. The competition between West-European emigration ports in the 19th century
Projects in collaboration with the research group E-E-D (Economy, Ecology, Demography)
2001-2005, Province of East-Flanders, The industrial history of East-Flanders, 1750-1950
2002-2007, BOF UGent (with E. Thoen), Pollution in Flemish cities, 19th-20the centuries, a heuristical research
2003-2006, FWO – Wildiersfonds (with E. Thoen and J. Vannieuwenhuyse Province West-Flanders), Pollution in West-Flanders, 19th and 20th centuries
2004-2007, DWTC (with met M. Nuyttens, State Archives), Business archives 18th-20th centuries, West-Flanders
2006-2009, SERV, with D. Luyten), History of social-economic policies in Flanders and the history of the socio-economic council
2006-2007, Nele Bracke postdoctoral fellowship, FWO, Public statistics in Belgium and Western-Europe in the 19th century
2007-2010, DWTC (with Ch. Van Coppenolle, State Archives), Business archives in East-Flanders, 18th-20th centuries
2008-2011, PhD project Wouter Ronsijn, FWO, Commerce and the countryside.The role of urban weekly markets in Flemish rural society, 1750-1900
2008-2011, PhD project Christa Matthys, FWO, (with I. Devos), Sex and the city. Servants and fertility control in Flanders 1830-1930, 2008-2011
2008-2011, DWTC (with Ch. Van Coppenolle, State Archives), “Onroerende informatie” gebundeld. Een onderzoek naar twee eeuwen functionele en territoriale hervormingen en de implicaties voor de archiefvorming in de buitendiensten van Patrimoniumdocumentatie (A history of the cadastral-fiscal administration, 19th-20th centuries)
2010, EROV (with D. Luyten), 55 jaar EROV – 55 jaar sociaal-economische geschiedenis van Oost-Vlaanderen (A history of social-economic policy in East-Flanders)
2010-2013, FWO (with D. Luyten), PhD project Ophelia Ongena, National and Regional Tensions in Belgian Economic Politics after WW II (1950-1980). An Integrated analysis of Economic Thought, Institutions, Organizations and Policy
2011-2015, FWO (with Stijn Van de Perre), PhD project Pieter de Reu, The development of the fiscal administration as a manifestation of state capacity and infrastructural power, Southern Netherlands and Belgium (1795-1852)
HISSTAT - LOKSTAT Central Database of Local Statistics in Belgium (19th-20th centuries) HISSTAT: 2009 – 2013, Hercules Foundation (with I. Devos and VUB, UCL, State Archives). Collaborators: Sven Vrielinck, Torsten Wiedemann.
Project “Economic growth and inequality. Explaining divergent regional growth paths in pre-industrial Europe (Late Middle Ages-19th century)”, supervisors Erik Thoen, Eric Vanhaute, Koen Schoors (2015-2019)
Recent and running PhD research
- Julia Schneider (co-promotor with Ann Heirman), The spread of the sinicization concept in Chinese historiography and political thinking of late Imperial and Republican China (1890s–1949).
- Yu Xiao (joint PhD Peking University, co-promotor: prof. Bai), The impact of land system on the urban-rural gap in China: An economic-historical reconstruction (Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang), 1949-2009.
- Christa Matthys (co-promotor with Isabelle Devos), Sex and the City. Servants and Fertility Control in Flanders 1830-1930.
- Petra Vervust, The Limits of Colonial Symbolic Power. Ethnicization and Racialization on Rwanda 1890-1960.
- Wouter Ronsijn, Commerce and the Countryside.The Role of Urban Weekly Markets in Flemish Rural Society, 1750-1900.
- Hanne Cottyn, Renegotiating communal autonomy. Communal land rights and liberal land reform on the Bolivian altiplano. Carangas, 1860-1930.
- Robrecht Declercq (co-promotor with H. Haupt, EU Firenze), Saxon fur traders and craftsmen, an occupational community on the move. A transnational perspective on immigrant entrepreneurship (1880-1950).
- Stijn Ronse (co-promotor with Glenn Ryapp), Explorations in quantitative economic history.
- Martin Ottovay Joergensen (joint PhD Aalborg University, co-promotor: M. Rostgaard), Revisiting the first United Nations peacekeeping intervention in Egypt and the Gaza Strip, 1956-1967: A Case of Imperial Multilateralism?
- Jan-Frederik Abbeloos, Born with a Copper Spoon: Combined and Uneven Development on a Globalizing Copper Market (1870-2000).
- Stéphane Hoste, The Bunge Company and transatlantic trade, 1880-1960.
- Yang Wang, Trajectories of peasant transformation: the Yangzi River Delta 19th and 20th centuries.
- Mohameed Akash (co-promotor with J. Van Steenbergen UGent),Echos du massacre de Damas 1860 en Belgique.
- Sven Van Melkebeke, Changing grounds. ‘Free’ and ‘unfree’ coffee-growing labour in the Kivu region, Belgian Congo and Ruanda-Urundi, 1920-1960.
- Frederik De Cocker, The industrial history of East-Flanders, 1750-1900.
- Harry Van Royen, The production of gas and gas lightning in Flanders in the 19th century.
- Wim 'tHooft, Prospection to coal in Belgium, 18th-19th centuries.
- Ophelia Ongena (co- promotor with D. Luyten), National and regional tensions in the Belgian economic politics after World War 2, 1950-1980.
- Pieter De Reu (co-promotor with S. Van de Perre), The construction of a fiscal state in Belgium, 1975-1850
- Tobit Van Damme, Belgian multinational entrepreneurs in the making of a global economy: The business empire of Edouard Empain (1880-1914)
- Rafael Verbuyst (co-promotor with B. Bevernage), Claiming land and history. A meta-historical analysis of historical consciousness and uses of the past in Khoisan land claims and indigenous rights activism in post-apartheid South Africa (Western- and Northern Cape)
With DANCET (G.), WILLEKENS (F.), Sociale macro-economie in België. Deel 2. Opbouw en afbraak van een groeispiraal, Malle, 1986, 127 p. (De Sikkel) (ISBN 90-260-3170-X).
De invloed van de groei van het industrieel kapitalisme en van de centrale staat op een agrarisch grensgebied: de Noorderkempen in de 19de eeuw (1750-1910), Brussel, 1990, 290 p. (Gemeentekrediet, Historische Uitgaven, reeks in -8de, nr. 81) (ISBN 90-5066-063-0).
Heiboeren. Bevolking, arbeid en inkomen in de 19de-eeuwse Kempen, Brussel, 1992, 423 p. (VUBPRESS en Centrum voor Landelijke Geschiedenis, nr. 102) (ISBN 90-5487-019-2) (Review)
With KOK (J.), KNOTTER (A.), PAPING (R.), Levensloop en levenslot. Arbeidsstrategieën van gezinnen in de negentiende en in de twintigste eeuw, Groningen-Wageningen, 1999, 258 p. (Reeks Historia Agricultura 29) (ISBN 90-367-1155-x).
With VAN DONGEN (W.), PAUWELS (K.), Het kostwinnersmodel voorbij? Naar een nieuw basismodel voor de arbeidsverdeling van gezinnen. Samenvatting van de bijdragen Colloquium 20 februari 1997, Brussel, Centrum voor Bevolkings- en Gezinsstudiën, 1997, 48 p.
With VAN DONGEN (W.), PAUWELS (K.), Het kostwinnersmodel voorbij? Naar een nieuw basismodel voor de arbeidsverdeling binnen de gezinnen, Brussel, Garant - Centrum voor Bevolkings- en Gezinsstudie, 1998, 223 p. (ISBN 90-5350-708-6). LINK
With BLONDE (B.), GALAND (M.), Labour and labour markets between town and countryside (Middle Ages - 19th century, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2001, 304 p. (CORN Publication Series 6) (ISBN 2-503-51281-X).
With VANDONGEN (W.), BECK (M.), Beroepsleven en gezinsleven. Het combinatiemodel als motor voor een actieve welvaartsstaat?, Leuven/Apeldoorn-Brussel, Garant - CBGS, 2001, VI-274 p. (ISBN 90-441-1125-6). LINK
With ART (J.), Inleiding tot de lokale geschiedenis van de 19de en 20ste eeuw, Gent, Stichting Mens en Cultuur, 2003, 416 p. (ISBN 90-77135-05-7). LINK
With O'GRADA (C.), PAPING (R.), When the potato failed. Causes and effects of the 'last' European subsistence crisis, 1845-1850, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2007 (CORN Publication Series 9), 342 p. (ISBN 978-2-503-51985-2).LINK (Review)
Eric Vanhaute, Isabelle Devos and Thijs Lambrecht, eds, Rural economy and society in North-Western Europe, 500-2000. Making a living: family, income and labour, Turnhout: Brepols, 2011
With VANDONGEN (W.), BECK (M.), "Naar een nieuw basismodel voor de combinatie van het gezins- en het beroepsleven?", in: W. Vandongen, M. Beck, E. Vanhaute, Beroepsleven en gezinsleven. Het combinatiemodel als motor voor een actieve welvaartsstaat?, Leuven/Apeldoorn-Brussel, Garant - CBGS, 2001, pp. 1-16.
With VANDONGEN (W.), "De leefsituatie van mannen en vrouwen binnen gezin en maatschappij", in: W. Vandongen, M. Beck, E. Vanhaute, Beroepsleven en gezinsleven. Het combinatiemodel als motor voor een actieve welvaartsstaat?, Leuven/Apeldoorn-Brussel, Garant - CBGS, 2001, pp. 57-116.
"Bevolking, arbeid en inkomen", in J. Art en E. Vanhaute (red.), Inleiding tot de lokale geschiedenis van de 19de en 20ste eeuw, Gent, Stichting Mens en Cultuur, 2003, pp. 113-206
With VANMOLLE (L.), "Het einde van de overlevingslandbouw, 1750-1880", in: Y. Segers en L. Van Molle (eds.), Leven van het land. Boeren in België, 1750-2000, Leuven, Davidsfonds, 2004, pp. 13-47.
"Gezin, bevolking en arbeid, 19de en 20ste eeuw", in: M. De Paepe, F. Simon, A. Van Gorp (eds.), Paradoxen van de Pedagogisering. Handboek pedagogische historiografie, Leuven, 2005, pp. 239-266.
With DEJONGH (Guy), “Arable productivity in Belgian agriculture, c.1800 – c.1950”, in: B.J.P. Van Bavel - E. Thoen (eds.), Land Productivity and Agro-Systems in the North Sea Area, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 1999, pp. 65-84 (Corn Publication Series 2).
With VANSCHOENBEEK (G.) en VAN MOLLE (L.), "The Workers' Party against the Farmers' League. Social-democracy and the peasantry in Belgium, 1893-1914", in: A. Blok e.a. (red.), Urban radicals, rural allies. Social Democracy and the agrarian issue 1870-1914, Bern, Peter Lang, 2001, pp. 143-159.
With VAN MOLLE (Leen)," Belgian agrarian and rural history, 1800-2000", in: E. Thoen and L. Van Molle (eds.), Rural History in the North Sea Area. An overview of recent research (Middle Ages - 20th century), Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2006, (Corn Publication Series 1), pp. 217-248.
With O'GRADA (C.), PAPING (R.), "The European subsistence crisis of 1845-1850. A comparative perspective", in: C. O'Grada, R. Paping and E. Vanhaute (eds), When the potato failed. Causes and effects of the 'last' European subsistance crisis, 1845-1850, Turnhout, Brepols Publishers, 2007 (CORN Publication Series 9), pp. 15-42.
Review of Karel Davids en Marjolein ’t Hart (red), met Lex Heerma Van Voss, Manon Van Der Heijden, Leo Lucassen, Jeroen Touwen,De wereld en Nederland. Een sociale en economische geschiedenis van de laatste duizend jaar(Boom, Amsterdam, 2011), Bijdragen en Mededelingen Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 2012.
"Labour markets and family strategies in Flanders, 1750-1990. A long-term perspective", Population and Family in the Low Countries 1996/1997. Selected current issues, The Hague - Brussels, NIDI - CBGS, 1997, pp. 171-190.
Review of Cormac Ó Gráda, Famine. A short History (Princeton University Press, 2009), Journal of Global History, 2010, nr 1.
With Jan-Frederik Abbeloos, "Cutting the Gordian Knot of World History: Giovanni Arrighi’s model of The Great Divergence and Convergence", Journal of World-Systems Research, Volume XVII, Number 1, 2011, pp. 89-106.
With Erwin Karel and Richard Paping, The Low Countries 1750-2000, in: Family, labour and income strategies in the North Sea area, 500-2000, edited by Eric vanhaute, Isabelle Devos, Thijs Lambrecht (2012). Introduction and Conclusions.
With Frank Caestecker,"Die Anwerbung von Arbeitskräften für Westeuropa und die europäische Arbeitsmarktintegration" in: Jochen Oltmer, Axel Kreienbrink, Carlos Sanz Dias (eds.), Das „Gastarbeiter“-System. Arbeitsmigration und ihre Folgen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Westeuropa. München , Oldenburg (Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte), 2012, pp.39-52.
With Hanne Cottyn and Wang Yang, "Peasantries", in: Immanuel Wallerstein, The World is Out of Joint. World-historical interpretations of continuing polarizations, Paradigm Publishers, 2014, pp. 55-68.
"Global and Regional Comparisons. The Great Divergence Debate and Europe", in M. Middell (ed.),"The Practice of Global History. European Perspectives", Bloomsbury Academic.
With Wouter Ronsijn, ""The first food price crisis: causes and effects of the 1850s dearth crisis in Belgium"
Julie Carlier, Chris Parker, Eric Vanhaute (eds), "De hermaakbare wereld? Essays over globalisering", Academia Press, 2016.