Selected Publications

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This web page lists a selected number of publications of CCC-members. For more information click here, visit the Ghent University Academic Bibliography or go to the individual pages of the CCC-members.


Eric Vanhaute, "Historicizing Global Studies. About old and new frontiers of world-making", in: Potentials and Challenges of Global Studies for the 21ste Century, Global Europe. Basel Papers on Europe in a Global Perspective, No. 105, Institute for European Global Studies, Universität Basel, 2014, pp. 50-59.


Lecocq, Baz "The Hajj from West Africa from a Global Historical Perspective (19th and 20th Centuries)" African Diaspora 5-2, pp. 187-214.

Limberger, Michael “Feeding sixteenth-century Antwerp : food imports, local supply and the agrarian structure of the town's rural surroundings” In: Food supply, demand and trade : aspects of the economic relationship between town and countryside (Middle Ages – 19th century). Edited by Piet van Cruyningen and Erik Thoen (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012)

Limberger, Michael & José Ignacio Andrés Ucendo  “Taxation and debt in the early modern city” (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2012)

Mercelis, Joris “Leo Baekeland's transatlantic struggle for Bakelite : patenting inside and outside of America” Technology and Culture 53(2), pp. 366-400, 2012

Schottenhammer, Angela “Westasiatisch-muslimische' (Huihui 回回) Medizin und Ärzte im yuanzeitlichen China (13./14. Jahrhundert)” In: Transkulturelle Verflechtung im mittelalterlichen Jahrtausend : Europa, Ostasien und Afrika.    Edited by Michael Borgolte and Matthias M Tischler (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2012)

Vanhaute, Eric "Peasants, peasantries and (de) peasantization in the capitalist world-system" In: Routledge handbook of world-systems analysis. Edited by Christopher Chase-Dunn & Salvatore Babones (New York: Routledge, 2012)

Vanhaute, Eric & Frank Caestecker “Zuwanderung von Arbeitskräften in die Industriestaaten Westeuropas : ein vergleichende Analyse der Muster von Arbeitsmarktintegration und Rückkehr 1945-1960” SCHRIFTENREIHE DER VIERTELJAHRSHEFTE FUR ZEITGESCHICHTE, p. 39-52, 2012.

Vermeulen, Urbain, Kristof D'hulster and Jo Van Steenbergen “Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras VII : Proceedings of the 16th, 17th and 18th International Colloquium Organized at the University of Ghent in May 2007, 2008 and 2009” (Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2012)

Van Steenbergen, Jo “Qalāwūnid discourse, elite communication and the Mamluk cultural matrix : interpreting a 14th-century panegyric” Journal of Arabic Literature, 2012

Van Steenbergen, Jo “Ritual, politics and the city in Mamluk Cairo : the Bayna l-Qasrayn as a dynamic lieu de mémoire, 1250-1382” In: Court ceremonies and rituals of power in the Medieval Mediterranean. Edited by Alexander Beihammer.

Van Steenbergen, Jo “The Mamluk Sultanate as a Military Patronage State : household politics and the case of the Qalāwūnid bayt (1279-1382)” Journal of Economic and Social History of the Orient


Abbeloos, Jan-Frederik. "Connections, connections, connections! : the Atlantic copper market during the long twentieth century." in Andre Gunder Frank and global development : visions, remembrances, and explorations. Edited by Manning Patrick & Gills Barry (New York: Routledge, 2011)

Abbeloos, Jan-Frederik & Eric Vanhaute. "Cutting the Gordian Knot of World History: Giovanni Arrighi’s model of The Great Divergence and Convergence." Journal of World-Systems Research, pp.89-106.

Limberger, Michael “North-west Germany, 1000-1750” In: Rural economy and society in North-Western Europe, 500-2000 : making a living : family, income and labour. Edited by Eric Vanhaute, Isabelle Devos and Thijs Lambrecht (Turnhout: Brepols, 2011)

Vanhaute, Eric, Hanne Cottyn and Yang Wang "Trajectories of peasant transformation" In: Convergence and divergence in the modern world-system, 1500-2000. Edited by Immanuel Wallerstein and Eric Vanhaute (Yale University Press, 2012)

Vanhaute, Eric, Devos Isabelle & Lambrecht Thijs. Rural economy and society in North-Western Europe, 500-2000 : making a living : family, income and labour (Turnhout: Brepols, 2011)

Vanhaute, Eric, Karel Erwin  & Paping Richard "The low countries 1750-2000" In: Rural economy and society in North-Western Europe, 500-2000 : making a living : family, income and labour. Edited by Eric Vanhaute, Isabelle Devos and Thijs Lambrecht (Turnhout: Brepols, 2011)

Van Steenbergen, Jo. "The amir Yalbughā al-Khāṣṣakī (d. 1366), the Qalāwūnid sultanate, and the cultural matrix of Mamluk society. A re-assessment of Mamluk Politics in the 1360s." Journal of the American Oriental Society 2011 (forthcoming)

Van Steenbergen, Jo. "On the Brink of a New Era? Yalbugha al-Khassaki (d. 1366) and the Yalbughawiya" Mamluk Studies Review 15, pp. 1-38

Declercq, Robrecht and Caestecker Frank, “De opmerkelijke concentratie van Duitsers in de bontsector tijdens het ‘fin de siècle’ in België”, Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis, 2011, 1-2, 101-133


Caestecker, Frank & Moore Bob. "The legal construction of Policy towards Aliens prior to 1933" in Refugees from Nazi Germany and the liberal European States. Edited by Caestecker, Frank & Moore Bob (Oxford: Berghahn, 2010)

Caestecker, Frank. "Refugees and the transformation of Belgium's alien policy(1860-1914)" Belgisch Tijdschrift voor de Nieuwste Geschiedenis 40, No.3 (2010), pp. 345-381.

Caestecker, Frank. "An institutionalized refugee policy in motion (Belgium, 1944-2010)" Belgisch Tijdschrift voor de Nieuwste Geschiedenis 40, No.3 (2010), pp. 449-488.

Caestecker, Frank & Feys Torsten. "East European Jewish migrants and settlers in Belgium, 1880-1914 : a transatlantic perspective." East European Jewish Affairs 40, No 3 (2010).

Van Steenbergen, Jo "Caught Between Heredity and Merit: the amir Qawsun and the legacy of al-Nasir Muhammad b. Qalawun (d. 1341)" in The Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and Syria: Aspects of a Medieval Muslim State, edited by Reuven Amitai & Amalia Levanoni (United Kingdom: Ashgate Publishing, 2010)

Schottenhammer, Angela. "Brokers and 'Guild' (huiguan 會館) Organizations in China’s Maritime Trade with her Eastern Neighbours during the Ming and Qing Dynasties" Crossroads - Studies on the History of Exchange Relations in the East Asian world 1/2, september (2010), pp. 99-150.

Schottenhammer, Angela eds. Trading Networks in Early Modern East Asia. (Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 2010)

De Clercq, Eva. "On Jaina Apabhramsa prasasti's" Acta Orientalia 63, no 3 (2010), pp.275-287

Lecocq, Baz. "Tuareg City Blues – Cultural Capital in a Global Cosmopole". in: Ines Kohl & Anja Fischer (eds) Tuareg Society Within a Globalized World: Saharan Life in Transition (London: I.B. Tauris Press) 41-58.

Lecocq, Baz. Disputed Desert. Decolonisation, Competing Nationalisms and Tuareg Rebellions in Northern Mali. (Leiden: Brill 2010).

Limberger, Michael & Thomas Ertl, "Die Welt 1250-1500. Vormoderne Verflechtungen von Dschingis Khan bis Christoph Columbus", in: Historische Sozialkunde. Geschichte - Fachdidaktik - Politische Bildung. 2010, pp. 5-15.


Abbeloos, Jan-Frederik. "Antiglobalization Movement" & "Value Chains", entries in C. Wankel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, London, Sage, 2009.

Ertl, Thomas & Michael Limberger (eds.), Die Welt 1250 – 1500, Globalgeschichte (Globalgeschichte Die Welt 1000-2000, 2). Wien, 2009.

Vanhaute, Eric, “Who is afraid of global history? Ambitions, pitfalls and limits of learning global history.” Österreichische Zeitschrift für  Geschichtswissenschaften, XX, 2009, 2, pp. 22-39.

Vanhaute, Eric & Jan-Frederik Abbeloos, "Op zoek naar de wortels van de globale wereld: globalisering als historisch verhaal", in Hermes, Tijdschrift Vlaamse Leraren Geschiedenis, september 2009.


Abbeloos, Jan-Frederik. "Belgium’s expansionist history between 1870 and 1930: imperialism and the globalisation of Belgian business", in: Lévai C. (ed.), European Empires and the Empires of Europe. Pisa: Plus, 2008:105-127. [Download here]

Abbeloos, Jan-Frederik. "Honderd jaar na datum: een Belgische onderzoeksagenda met betrekking tot de Belgische koloniale geschiedenis?" BVNG/ABHC (30), no. 2, 2008: 8-14.

Review of Giovanni Arrighi's Adam Smith in Beijing. Lineages of the Twenty-First Century. In English at Geschichte Transnational. In French in La Revue Internationale des Livres et des Idées, issue 8, 2008, pp. 28-31.

Caestecker, Frank  & Bob Moore. “A comparative analysis of immigration policies of liberal states in Western Europe and the flight from Nazi Germany.” in Caestecker F. & B. Moore (eds.), Refugees from Nazi-Germany and the liberal states in Europe, 1933-1939. Oxford-New York: Berghahn Books: 102-198 (in print).

Caestecker, Frank en David Fraser. "The Extraterritorial Application of the Nuremberg Laws. Rassenschande and "Mixed" Marriages in European Liberal Democracies." Journal of The History of International Law 10, no. 1 (2008).

Limberger, Michael. Aufstieg einer neuen Weltregion. "Nordwesteuropa" in: Feldbauer P. and J.-P. Lehners (eds.), Die Welt im 16. Jahrhundert (Globalgeschichte. Die Welt 1000-2000 , 3). Wien, 2008: 31-51.

Limberger, Michael. "Goldenes Zeitalter' oder 'eisernes Jahrhundert'?:Westeuropa", in: Hausberger B. (ed.)., Die Welt im 17. Jahrhundert (Globalgeschichte Die Welt 1000-2000, 4). Wien, 2008: 39-69.

Vanhaute, Eric. "The End of Peasantries. Rethinking the Role of Peasantries and Peasant Families in a World-Historical View". Review (Fernand Braudel Center)31, no. 1 (2008):39-59.

Vanhaute, Eric. Wereldgeschiedenis. Een inleiding. Gent: Academia Press, 2008.


Abbeloos, Jan-Frederik, "Copper in the Congo: the political economy of wasted opportunities." Bulletin of the Association of Concerned Africa Scholars, no.54/57 (2006-2007) [Special issue on Africa’s resources in the global economy].

Caestecker, Frank. "Displaced Persons (DPs) in Europa seit dem Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs.” in Bade K. et al. (eds.), Enzyklopädie Migration in Europa. Vom 17. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart. Paderborn-München: Ferdinand Schöningh/ Wilhelm Fink, 2007: 529-535

Caestecker, Frank, "The Transformation of Nineteenth-Century West European Expulsion Policy, 1880-1914." in Fahrmeier A. & P. Weil (eds.), Migration control in the North Atlantic World. New York/Oxford: Berghahn, 2002: 120-137 (download print).

Lecocq, Baz & Gregory Mann. "Between Empire, Umma, and the Muslim Third World: The French Union and African Pilgrims to Mecca, 1946-1958." Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East27, no. 2 (2007): 367-83.

Lecocq, Baz,  & Paul Schrijver. "The War on Terror in a Haze of Dust: Potholes and Pitfalls on the Saharan Front." Journal of Contemporary African Studies25, no. 1 (2007): 141-66. (download offprint) (téléchargez traduction française)

Lecocq, Baz & Erik Bähre. "The Drama of Development: The Skirmishes Behind High Modernist Schemes in Africa." African Studies 66, no. 1 (2007): 1-8. 

Limberger, Michael. "Globalisering en geschiedenis", in: Delwaide J. & G. Geeraerts, (eds.), Globalisering: interdisciplinair bekeken (I.E.S. series nr. 12): 79-89.

Vanhaute, Eric, C. O'Grada & R. Paping, "The European subsistence crisis of 1845-1850. A comparative perspective." in: Vanhaute E., C. O'Grada & R. Paping (eds.), When the potato failed. Causes and effects of the 'last' European subsistence crisis, 1845-1850. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2007:15-42.