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Linked Departments and Research Groups at Ghent University

Center for Ethics & Value Inquiry (Global Ethics)

* Department of African languages and cultures

* Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies

Department of History

Gents Afrika Platform

Ghent Centre for Global Studies

Globalization and World Cities Project

MENARG, Middle East and North Africa Research Group

* Social History

* TAPAS, Thinking About the PASt


Linked External Institutions and Research Groups

CCC members participate in:

* ABORNE, African Borderlands research Network, Edinburgh

* CESAH, Ghent

* CRG African History, Aegis

* ENIUGH, The European Network in Universal and Global History

* I.C.E. in Africa, ASC Leiden

* LASDEL, Niamey

* Nederlands-Vlaams Instituut in Cairo, NVIC

* Posthumus Institute, Leiden